Porte Alaigne

Is a small village of 350 inhabitants in the department of Aude, area of Languedoc-Roussillon. It is 3 km from Belveze-du-Razes the largest village around, within walking or biking distance.

Since 1999 there is a rise in population.

As convenience factors we have nearby :

  • A kindergarden and elementary school
  • A School bus to the high school in Limoux 15 minutes away
  • A post office
  • A farmer/baker who grows his own cereals
  • A young organic wine maker
  • An organic cheese maker who raises its own herd (and black pigs), rewarded on several occasions
  • A successful Welsh pub presently closed for health reasons, waiting to be taken over
  • An art gallery/boutique "la Forgerie"
  • A dental office (January 2017)
  • Very active cultural associations galvanized by the inhabitants of Alaigne and a community of English, Belgians, Dutch and Germans citizens.

Also available in Belveze-du-Razes  are two doctors, one of them is an homeopath, a pharmacy, a mini-market, a tobacconist, a butcher, a traditional baker, a hardware store, a garden department and two banks.

If you come and visit us you will find lodging and Bed and Breakfast in Alaigne or in the neighbourhood.



Contact Information

SCIA Le Cammas Blanc
Le Cammas Blanc
F-11240 Alaigne


